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PB-1000 emulator

The program emulates the HD61700 microprocessor and uses the ROM dump from the original calculator, therefore it should function almost exactly like the real one.
It works on PC-compatible machines with Microsoft Windows operating system.

The main purpose of creating this program was the verification of the correctness of the reconstructed processor's internal ROM image, and to have a tool helping by the analysis of the ROM disassembly.

Files to download

Program version 50, updated 2021/12/29 - Delphi 5 sources

download - compiled executable
Usage: extract the files into an empty directory, then run the program pb1000.exe - Japanese version
Usage: Replace the files rom1.bin and face.bmp in the directory where the program was installed. - version PB-1000C with CASL
Usage: Replace the files rom1.bin and face.bmp in the directory where the program was installed.

The screenshots

Screenshot of the PB-1000 emulator

The debug window of the PB-1000 emulator

Usage hints

Integrated debugger

Disassembly box

Hex Editor box

Registers box

Main register file box

Program execution control

The pb1000.ini file

Some parameters of the emulator can be customised by editing the pb1000.ini file with any text editor.
Description of the contents of this file:

This setting specifies the emulated CPU clock frequency in kHz.
This setting specifies the Option Code of the interface unit. The value should be either 255 (for stand-alone operation without any peripheral devices) or 85 (to be used with the MD-100 Floppy Disk Drive emulator). Selecting the value 85 without running the MD-100 emulator significantly slows down the program!
This setting specifies the IP address of the FDD server host, usually of the local computer.
This setting specifies the port on the FDD server that the emulated calculator will connect to.


To uninstall the emulator, simply delete the directory where it was installed. The program doesn't modify anything outside its installation directory.


Known limitations and issues of the current version

Conversion utilities - sources and executables, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)


This utility transfers files between the PC and the ramdisk area of the RAM image used by the emulator.

Usage: ramtrans.exe [-n] <command> <options> <parameters>

Command overview

dir <options> <ramdisk-pattern>
Displays a list of the files in the ramdisk directory. If the pattern is specified, only files matching the pattern will be shown. Examples:
- list all files: ramtrans dir
- list only selected files: ramtrans dir "*.BAS"
type <options> <ramdisk-file>
Displays the contents of a file either as hex dump or a text, depending on the file type (binary or ASCII). BASIC programs can be decoded from their internal, tokenized form. Examples:
- decoded BASIC program TEST.BAS: ramtrans type -a TEST.BAS
- hex dump of all files with an extension .BIN: ramtrans type -b "*.BIN"
get <options> <ramdisk-file> [<pc-file>]
Copies a single file from the ramdisk to the PC. If the PC file name is not specified, the copied file is given the original name. Examples:
- single file PI.BAS: ramtrans get -i pi.bas
- tokenized BASIC program PI.BAS as plain text: ramtrans get -a -i pi.bas pi.txt
mget <options> <ramdisk-pattern>
Copies multiple files from the ramdisk to the PC. Examples:
- multiple files to the local directory: ramtrans mget "P*.BAS"
- multiple files to a specified PC directory (after the -d option): ramtrans.exe mget -d c:\windows\temp\ "*.BIN"
put <options> <pc-file> [<ramdisk-file>]
Copies a single file from the PC to the ramdisk. If the destination file name is not specified, the copied file is given the original name. The file type should be set with the -t option, otherwise the program tries to guess it from the extension. Example:
- option -u changes the destination name to upper case: ramtrans put -u pi.asc
mput <options> <pc-files>
Similar to put, but copies multiple files.
del <options> <ramdisk-pattern>
Deletes files on the ramdisk.
ren <options> <ramdisk-file> <new-name>
Renames files on the ramdisk.

Options overview

Ignore the case of ramdisk file(s).
Make all files lowercase.
Make all files uppercase.
It is convenient to select this option when transferring files to the ramdisk.
Select type to X (B, M, S or hex).
The PB-1000 files have an additional attribute (the file type) which is used for correct handling of a file selected from the menu:
It is important to select proper type when transferring files to the ramdisk.
Force binary transfer.
This option should be selected when transferring tokenized BASIC programs and binary files.
Note: the ramtrans utility doesn't preserve the information about the destination address and the start address of machine code programs. Such task requires appropriate file formats (for example PBF) along with corresponding loaders (for example PBFTOBIN provided with the HD61 assembler).
Force ASCII transfer.
This option should be selected to transfer PC text files, because it ensures correct line termination (CR+LF) and file termination (Ctrl-Z). It's also suitable for machine code programs in PBF format.
No updates are written to the RAM image, useful for testing.
