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PB-2000C emulator

The program emulates the HD61700 microprocessor and uses the ROM dump from the original calculator, therefore it should function almost exactly like the real one.
It works on PC-compatible machines with Microsoft Windows operating system.

Files to download

Program version 26, updated 2021/12/29 - Delphi 5 sources - compiled executable
Usage: extract the files into an empty directory, then run the program pb2000c.exe - Japanese version AI-1000 with Lisp
Usage: Replace the files face.bmp and rom1.bin in the directory where the program was installed.

ROM images from the language cards - Prolog language card OM-51B - BASIC language card OM-53B - CASL language card OM-54A - BASIC+CASL language card (it's an OM-53B card with added CASL assembler and COMET simulator ported from the PB-1000C)

Usage: Place the files rom2.bin and overlay.bmp in the directory where the program was installed. Delete the file rom2.bin and restore the previous file overlay.bmp in order to return to the C interpreter.

The screenshots

Screenshot of the PB-2000C emulator

The debug window of the PB-2000C emulator

Usage hints

Integrated debugger

Disassembly box

Hex Editor box

Registers box

Main register file box

Program execution control

The pb2000c.ini file

Some parameters of the emulator can be customised by editing the pb2000c.ini file with any text editor.
Description of the contents of this file:

OscFreq = 912
This setting specifies the emulated CPU clock frequency in kHz.
This setting specifies the Option Code of the interface unit. The value should be either 255 (for stand-alone operation without any peripheral devices) or 85 (to be used with the MD-100 Floppy Disk Drive emulator). Selecting the value 85 without running the MD-100 emulator significantly slows down the program!
This setting specifies the IP address of the FDD server host, usually of the local computer.
This setting specifies the port on the FDD server that the emulated calculator will connect to.


To uninstall the emulator, simply delete the directory where it was installed. The program doesn't modify anything outside its installation directory.


Known limitations and issues of the current version

Conversion utilities - sources and executables, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

Both programs modify the contents of the RAM image file ram0.bin located in the same directory.


This utility transfers files between the PC and the ramdisk area of the RAM image used by the emulator. It accepts the same commands as the program RAMTRANS for the PB-1000, except that wider range of file types is recognised.

Text file types
S - Sequential files, including MEMO files, Pascal source files, files loaded via RS-232C and BASIC programs saved with SAVE,A
C - C source files
L - Lisp source files
P - Prolog source files
Binary file types
M - General binary files (for example created with BSAVE)
B - BASIC programs in internal representation
E - Pascal (E)xecutable
T - Pascal (T)yped
U - Pascal (U)nit

The program is an adaptation of the md100 utility written by Marcus von Cube, which performs similar operations, but on an MD-100 floppy disk or an image thereof.


This utility is a C cross compiler equivalent to the PB-2000C built-in one. It doesn't have any advantages against the original LOAD command, exactly the same P-code and data structures are produced. It was written in C language with the intention to match the original program structure and algorithms as closely as possible in order to better understand them.

Usage: source.c

The compiled code is executed in the usual way, with the RUN command.

Similar projects

An enhanced development of this design featuring TCP-based RS-232C serial port emulation and remote control.